Responding to employers' needs
Suffolk Chamber of Commerce's Ipswich Forum met at Suffolk New College to find out how the college is using it share of the £ 4.7 million Local Skills Improvement Fund awarded to Suffolk and Norfolk.
Members were briefed about how the college has responded to employers' skills needs, which were set out in the Local Skills Improvement Plan prepared by Suffolk and Norfolk Chambers of Commerce. Initiatives include introducing ePASS+, a digital platform designed to focus on crucial soft skills, teaching digital skills in all subject areas, well advanced plans for a regional digital skills passport and bite sized courses.
Members also shared some of the skills challenges they are facing and the actions they are taking to address the challenges.
Paul Copsey, Commercial Director of Auditel, who chaired the meeting said 'It was really good to find out how Suffolk New College is working with Suffolk Chamber of Commerce to shape training courses to meet employers' needs. It was also good to hear from employers about the importance that they place on training and retaining staff'.