Overseas Business Opportunities
Suffolk Chamber International recognises that obtaining timely and relevant information relating to overseas business opportunities, contracts or tenders can be an invaluable way to win new business and promote local companies overseas.
However, sourcing these individual opportunities can be time consuming. With our partners we are working to promote business opportunities from a number of markets and sectors. These opportunities are sourced from the Chamber International Network, Department of Business & Trade and other organisations. For more information contact international@suffolkchamber.co.uk
Egyptian-British Chamber of Commerce: Infrastructure Mission to Egypt including the Big 5 Construct event
📅 Monday 24th June – Thursday 27th June
Register your interest for FREE
Infrastructure in Egypt is up and coming, offering different opportunities across the different sectors including hospitality, ports and airports, power and energy, industrial and manufacturing, water treatment plants, metro and rail, road and bridges, petrochemicals and fertilizers, healthcare, facility management and digital transformation.
The mission is organised in collaboration with the Department of Business and Trade (DBT) Egypt and is planned to give a practical on the ground insight into the different infrastructure opportunities in Egypt and the gateway it opens into the wider MEA region across a number of different sectors. These include hospitality, ports and airports, power and energy, industrial and manufacturing, water treatment plants, metro and rail, road and bridges, petrochemicals and fertilizers, healthcare, facility management and digital transformation.
The mission includes a 2-day visit to the big 5 construct event which serves to bring together over 20,000 construction businesses, attracting over 300 exhibitors from 21 countries worldwide.
This is a huge opportunity for UK companies wishing to showcase their products and services, create brand awareness in Egypt and the African continent, generate business leads to international trade and foster networking opportunities in the infrastructure industry.
The programme includes:
- Welcome and greeting from the Egyptian Ambassador and the Commercial Office in the UK
- Welcome and greeting from the British Ambassador and DBT in Egypt
- Showcasing opportunities
- Speaking opportunities
- An infrastructure committee meeting
- Presentations from the different Ministries in Egypt
- Plenty of B2B opportunities
- Site visits
- 2-day visit to the Big5 Construct Egypt and the Egypt Infrastructure and Water Expo (EIWE) events
- EBCC organised networking event
- Cultural dinner
- A follow up meeting with the Egyptian Ambassador to Egypt
For more information register your interest for FREE and a member of the team will reach out to you
Or Contact our International Trade team: international@suffolkchamber.co.uk
Trade and investment factsheets
A snapshot of the UK’s trade and investment positions with individual trading and investment partners overseas. These factsheets summarise the latest statistics on trade and investment between the UK and individual overseas partners.
The factsheets provide statistics between the UK and its partners on:
- exports, imports, and total trade
- trade by commodity and service type
- regional trade in the UK for goods
- UK market share for trading partners
- VAT-registered businesses trading goods
- foreign direct investment (FDI)
- summary trade and investment data as reported by each partner
- economic data and projections
For more information about growing your business internationally, please contact our friendly International Trade team: international@suffolkchamber.co.uk