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More Information for employers and employees on improving workplace health

Be Well, Feel Well: Control

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An estimated 131 million days were lost to sickness absence in the UK in 2013 alone, equating to lost productivity and the associated cost to employers.  Absenteeism carries a huge financial burden for businesses and the British economy - approximately £29bn per year. Improvements in workers’ health and wellbeing also has other benefits both to the quality of life of millions of workers themselves and in reducing pressure on our over-stretched health services.

NEW!: HM Government's Midlife MOT

Compassionate Workplaces

St Elizabeth Hospice offer training in the support of employees affected by bereavement, loss and long term illness.

The 2 hour awareness training session is free and is delivered in person (preferred) or online if needed. The session is focused on helping employers support their workforce when experiencing loss and bereavement and also to give guidance to HR teams around the development of organizational practices and policies.

St Elizabeth Hospice - Compassionate Communities

Practical guidance to help employers support grieving employees

Compassionate Bereavement Support Guide by the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development

More Useful Links

Through a series of workshops that looked at different aspects of health and wellbeing resilience, over two dozen organisations successfully came together to share experiences of good – and sometimes less-than-successful – approaches to boosting positive workplace health and wellbeing results. This unique approach has resulted in resilience resource packs which are filled with key advice, case studies and links to more detailed expert content.

Our partnership working is continuing and we work together to help Suffolk employers to improve workplace health in the face of uncertain economic times.  Click the images below to access lots of additional support. 

Suffolk Mind - Training and Consultancy Suffolk Mind - Corporate Partnerships at Suffolk Mind Blossom Mental Health Training - Mental Health Training
Feel Good Suffolk - Smoking Cessation, Adult Weight Management & Wellbeing Healthy Suffolk - Workplace Wellbeing Guidance YMCA - Small Talks
Wellbeing Suffolk - Mental Health, Wellbeing & Emotional Support Menopause in the Workplace NHS Guide to Mindfulness
Healthy Suffolk - Bereavement Turning Point - Drug and Alcohol Support Active Suffolk - Physical Activity
For Managers - Suffolk Mind's Professional toolkit ENEI - Workplace Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Workplace Wellbeing Self Assessment Tool


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