Bereavement in the Workplace
Financial Support in the event of bereavement
Sources of Help and Advice
If you need any help dealing with financial issues resulting from a bereavement there are a number of organisations who may be able to help.
- Citizens Advice: You can find your local branch or outreach service on Suffolk Infolink
- Debt charities
- Christians Against Poverty: Find your local branch here
- Stepchange: Call 0800 138 1111 or visit
- National Debtline: or phone on 0808 808 4000
Available financial support
There are a range of financial support available to people who are struggling financially as well as some government schemes that help with costs associated with bereavement.
Bereavement specific financial help
The government has a range of schemes that help people in the event of bereavement with some of the costs involved. There is a dedicated webpage which details all the various schemes
General support
When people lose a loved one this can also mean they are losing an income and thus can find it hard to manage financially on a single income.
You should check if you are eligible for any benefits or social tariffs. Many people don’t realise they are eligible for benefits, but you can check eligibility quickly and easily using a benefits calculator, this will identify any benefits you might be eligible for as well as eligibility for schemes like Free School Meals for children or help with medical prescription costs. If you are already in receipt of any benefits you should also check as your changed circumstances might affect your current entitlements.
Water and Broadband companies offer social tariff schemes to low-income households so it can be worth contacting your provider and advising of your changed circumstances. A social tariff provides a discounted rate for your water or broadband.
Other useful tools and information
The Money Helper website has a bill prioritiser tool that can help you manage any bills you are struggling with and identify if there is any support available.
Suffolk Infolink has a dedicated cost-of-living page which provides a wide range of information on local organisations and support available to people who are struggling financially.
Anglia Care Trust have a good booklet that provides advice on Reducing Everyday Living Costs.
Please find below all other relevant Bereavement resources for employers.