University of Suffolk
The University of Suffolk is a transformational university, absorbing the best of UK higher education traditions and aligning them with a twenty first century audience and a modern world of employment and entrepreneurship. We are an agile, responsive University, custom-built for a changing world.
The University of Suffolk offers an attractive portfolio of undergraduate and postgraduate courses across six Departments: Arts and Humanities; Children, Young People and Education; Health Sciences; Psychology, Sociology and Social Work; Science and Technology; and Suffolk Business School. We offer modern, flexible modes of learning and a range of courses to meet both student and employer needs.
In addition the main University campus on Ipswich Waterfront, the University of Suffolk Learning Network consists of four partner colleges located across the region: Great Yarmouth College, Lowestoft College, Suffolk New College and West Suffolk College.
The University of Suffolk has high rates of graduate employability and increasingly strong student survey outcomes and league table rankings.
The University of Suffolk is a cohesive, self-critical and student-centred academic community. Our vision over the next five years is to develop a broader base, be of higher academic standing, with a larger student population drawing from the region, nationally and internationally. The University will be underpinned by an embedded scholarly base, with nationally and internationally recognised research in targeted areas. Our role as a community impact university will be having a clear, measurable and positive impact on the economic, cultural and educational lives of the communities we serve.
In a world where nothing ever stays the same, we all need to change, evolve, succeed and change again. That’s what we do. Be bold and do the same. Together we’ll achieve more.
To find out more, visit our website