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Suffolk Chamber statement: Strategic Roads User Survey Report 2023/4

National Survey

“The value of this survey lies in reminding local and national policymakers of the serious implications of the longstanding investment deficit in roads planning in Suffolk. For too long, this failure has blighted day-to-day journeys and calls in to question some Suffolk-based companies’ longer-term growth and jobs plans.

“Firstly, there is the grim and stark fact that Suffolk remains one of a small minority of English counties without a motorway, in spite of us hosting major strategic ports and energy projects around Ipswich and along our coastline.

“Secondly, even given the narrow definition of what comprises a ‘strategic road’ in this report, it is clear that both the A12 and A14 in Suffolk are just not fit for their current purpose – leave alone the growing importance of Suffolk as a gateway between the North and Midlands and the rest of the world. In particular, the lack of resilience of the roads network in and around all the compass points outside of Ipswich is a national disgrace and in the case of the Orwell Bridge a national economic emergency in the making.

“Suffolk Chamber is meeting today with representatives of both National Highways and Suffolk County Council to further hold them to account regarding both their – and that of Suffolk Constabulary’s – resourcing when there are closures on the Bridge or elsewhere along the A14 and A12. We are also launching our business-led Orwell Bridge Research Group aimed at identifying the impact of our poor roads system on firms’ future investment plans. Our hope that this will kickstart serious planning aimed at bringing forward the necessary road improvements, even if we are successful with our campaign to upgrade the rail junctions at Ely and Haughley and so shift volumes of freight off our roads.”

Strategic Roads User Survey

Annual Report

Read the full report here

Suffolk Chamber expresses concern over costly delays caused by Orwell Bridge closure

Transport & Infrastructure Group

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Suffolk Chamber

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