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Suffolk Chamber statement regarding the Orwell Bridge

“The current and unforeseen closure of one westbound lane on the Orwell Bridge and the resulting traffic delays in and around Ipswich is quite simply bad for business and bad for every road user affected. It is also reputationally embarrassing for Suffolk. It is yet another reminder that the A14 on either side of Bridge lacks resilience and the current absence of a strategic plan by Government and council policymakers offers no hope that this situation will change in the short to medium term.

“Suffolk Chamber has written to the four MPs whose constituencies are most affected by these repeated gridlocks to both pressurise the Department for Transport for an investigation into the impact on the local and national economy from continued part or full closures of the Bridge and to persuade National Highways to bring forward its Significant Structures Scheme to ensure that the current issue is not repeated again and again.

“In order to jolt local and national policymakers into coordinated action, the Chamber has set up an Orwell Bridge Research group which will demonstrate the impact that the current do-nothing situation will have on the jobs and growth plans of businesses, especially those in the crucial logistics and haulage sector.”

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Suffolk Chamber

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