Suffolk Chamber International Trade Group: February 2023

SCITG - 21st February 2023
Our first Suffolk Chamber International Trade Group (SCITG) for this year (2023) was held on the 21st Feb, chaired by Trevor Scott (managing director of Simarco International). SCITG is forum for sharing best practice, for hearing from local and national policymakers and thought leaders. As well as to encourage, promote and participate in local, regional and national initiatives that will enhance the knowledge and capabilities to develop members own international trade activities.
Our key note speaker Steve Beel (Chief Executive of Freeport East) shared insights to Freeport East and the opportunities it can bring to Suffolk businesses.
We would like to thank Trevor Scott for chairing and the group for their excellent contributions.

If you will like to be part of the international trade group or will like more information, please get in touch with us at