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January Policy & Business Briefing

QES Q4 Results: Business conditions in Suffolk: grim for manufacturers, volatile for service companies as tax hikes hit confidence

Suffolk Chamber of Commerce’s Quarterly Economic Survey (QES) for the last three months of 2024 suggests that local business activity and future prospects have taken a sharp downward turn, with concerns about increased business taxes the most common reason given for the growing pessimism.

Read the full article here

Suffolk LSIP events - Putting employers at the heart of local skills planning

Over the past two years Suffolk Chamber has been working to put employers at the heart of skills planning and has prepared the Norfolk and Suffolk Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) in partnership with Norfolk Chambers of Commerce, employers, Suffolk and Norfolk further education colleges, the University of Suffolk, other training providers and Suffolk and Norfolk county councils.

Suffolk Chamber has arranged a number of events across Suffolk to update employers on the progress of the LSIP and discuss what needs to be done next to tackle the skills challenges that Suffolk faces. The events are also an opportunity to find out more about:

  • existing skills initiatives
  • what businesses are already doing to tackle skills challenges
  • improving careers education for young people 


There have already been well attended and successful events in Stowmarket and Ipswich. In the Spring there will be events in Bury St Edmunds and Lowestoft on the following dates:

 26.02.2025        West Suffolk College, Bury St Edmunds    8.30-10.30 am Book here

 12.03.2025        East Coast College, Lowestoft             8.30-10.30 am Book here

All events are free of charge and breakfast will be available.

Place Forums: East Suffolk Forum

The East Suffolk Place Forum is on Wednesday 5th February from  8:30 to 10:00 am at PCE Automation in Beccles. Join us to discuss local opportunities and issues, followed by a site tour. Members only, free to attend. Book now

FREE Net Zero support - last slots remaining!

Many public and private sector clients now require the businesses they work with to manage and reduce their environmental impacts - a recent survey found that 46% of UK organisations have been asked for their carbon data by customers or tender applications.

Suffolk’s local authorities are working together with Groundwork East to help organisations understand their carbon footprint, reduce energy costs and emissions, and access grant funding.

Over 200 Suffolk businesses have now benefited from FREE net zero support, with many of these going on to receive carbon reduction grants to implement cost and carbon saving measures.

This service is available to any business located within Suffolk, including social enterprises, and is fully funded by UK Government - for a limited period only (ends March 2025).

There are also currently grant funds to support net zero available which may soon be fully allocated.

To find out more Tel: 01473 350 370 or email:

Free water saving audit

Want a FREE water saving audit carried out? Essex & Suffolk Water want to assess where water is being used within businesses and offer suggestions on how to reduce your usage and your bills.

There is no charge for the audit, the report or any products Essex & Suffolk Water may install.

If your business is within the Hartismere water resource zone, then you will be eligible. (Check out the map). Call Essex & Suffolk Water on 0333 4432 549 to book

Last chance to access free menopause awareness training with Suffolk libraries & Suffolk Mind 

As part of the Menopause & Me project, Suffolk Libraries, are offering fully-funded online training for SME organisations, to help better understand the menopause. This online training will focus on raising awareness of the menopause and how its impact and associated symptoms can be supported and managed within the workplace – but for a limited time only!

Remaining Training dates-

Wednesday 19 February, 9.30AM - 4PM

Thursday 13 March, 9.30AM - 4PM

Thursday 27 March, 9.30AM - 4PM

Want to support your employees and be able to call yourself a ‘Menopause Friendly Employer’? Don’t miss out on this valuable learning opportunity, sign up today - Sign the Employer's Pledge - Suffolk Libraries

About the author

Suffolk Chamber

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