Exports to Egypt: ACI – New pre-registration system
Egyptian customs have introduced a new electronic system for the pre-registration of shipment information: the "Advanced Cargo Information (ACI)". The ACI will be mandatory for all shipments arriving at Egyptian seaports from October 1, 2021 and for all shipments arriving at Egyptian airports from October 1, 2022 respectively.
Exporters who deliver goods to Egypt by sea must register in advance once with CargoX. After registration, the exporter must be verified, for which the exporter must pay an amount of USD 15.
As soon as a delivery is planned, the importer must enter the data using a proforma invoice in Nafeza. The system will then generate an ACID number within 48 hours. This number is available to both CargoX and Nafeza, via the communication channel between them.
All documents such as invoices, certificates of origin and shipping documents (B/L or AWB) must contain the ACID number. Deliveries arriving with shipping documents that have no ACID number will be rejected. It is therefore important to inform the forwarding agent and give them the number so they can note it on the shipping documents.
At least 48 hours before the arrival of the shipment in Egypt, the shipping documents must be uploaded by the exporter via CargoX. The uploaded documents should be sure to contain the ACID number. The uploading of documents is subject to a fee. For this purpose, a credit package must be purchased after successful registration, from which the corresponding amount is debited when the documents are uploaded.
For more information contact our Export Documentation team on 01473 694839.